The Complete Automotive F&I Encyclopedia Series
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The Encyclopedias   (Now in FOUR Volumes!)
The Complete Automotive F&I Encyclopedia© Series has become the F&I reference books for managers across North America. Originally written in 1985 and just updated (2010), these books cover virtually every aspect of this important revenue generating job.* 
Some topics are:
* Handling showroom quoted payments
* Getting lenders to approve faster
* Perfecting Turn-Overs (hand-overs)
* Getting non-cooperative sales people to start working with you
* Mastering your Paper-Flow (Dealer-Access, etc0

* The Shopper Stopper Technique©

* Increasing add-on sales on leases
* Menu-Selling
* Product Knowledge (mainstay F&I products and services)
* Overcoming F&I objections (and there are a great many to choose from)
* Power Closes (and yes... they work!)
plus much more.
Containing approximately 400 pages, this series of books will provide years of sales enhancement ideas and invaluable motivation.
Here's a list of the objections covered:

1)     It costs too much!

2)      Don't you make good cars?

3)      I can get it cheaper elsewhere!

4)      It's the last car we'll ever buy!

5)      "Consumer Reports”™ says don't buy it"!

6)      My brother's a mechanic!

7)      I have enough insurance!

8)     I don't believe in insurance!

9)      None of these products work!

10)  I had it before. It doesn't work!

11) I had it before. I never used it!

12)  I never get sick!

13)  I don't keep my car that long!

14)  I work for the bank!

15) I'm too young... If I die, I die!

16)  I don't need it. I'm leasing the car!

17)  My last car never broke down!

18) My last car looks great without that paint treatment!

19)  I'll look after it myself!

20)  I don't believe in leasing!

21) I want to own the car!

22)  I have to talk with my spouse first!

23)  I need to speak with my accountant.

24)  I had this before. The company went out of business!

25)  I had it on my last car and I didn't get any more for it when I traded it in!

26)  Lemon-aid© (or some other expert) says, “Don't buy it”!

27)  If it’s going to break it will be in the first few years! I’ll take my chances!

28)  My (some family member) will pay for me!

29)  I won't lose my job!

30)  If I die, my wife can look after herself! I won’t pay for her to have fun when I'm gone!

31)  The Lord will protect me!

32) Nothing's going to happen to me!


Answers are provided for each one.

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